Referrals and Community Resources
Ontario Structured Psychotherapy (OSP) Program
- Target Audience: intended for individuals experiencing mild-to-severe anxiety, depression or other anxiety-related conditions (e.g., trauma)
- About the Program: OSP provides individual or group-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to help patients learn strategies and skills to improve their mental health. Services are based on individual needs, featuring skill-building workbooks, online videos, or individual or group CBT sessions with a clinician or coach.
- Cost: Free
- How to Refer: by primary care provider, family, or patient.
- Ocean eReferral (PCP only): “Ontario Structured Psychotherapy Program – CMHA NLO” site name
- Online Referral Form (PCPs, family, or patient)
- For more Information: Visit
Streamlined Access for Transitional Age Youth Program
- Target Audience: 16 years of age or older, living with a serious mental health concern, and/or addiction, and/or dual diagnosis (mental illness and developmental disability), Living in York Region or South Simcoe
- About the Program: Streamlined Access provides access and referral to 26+ mental health, addiction and dual diagnosis services within York Region and South Simcoe. The program also refers to case management and supportive housing programs.
- Cost: Free
- How to Refer: by primary care provider, family, or patient.
- Online Referral Form (PCPs, family, or patient)
- For more Information: Visit
Breaking Free Online Addiction Recovery Support Program
- Target Audience: 16 years of age or older, living with mild to moderate addictions.
- About the Program: Breaking Free Online (BFO) is an innovative online therapy tool that makes it faster and easier to access effective addictions supports. It is confidential and can be accessed 24/7 on any desktop, tablet or smartphone. The program helps individuals develop coping skills and access key resources they can use during or after their treatment. The program can support individuals in recovery from the use of over 70 substances such as tobacco, alcohol and drugs, including opioids, and help prevent a relapse.
- Cost: Free
- How to Refer: by primary care provider, family, or patient.
- Referral by primary care providers: PCPs will need to be set up with a service code prior to referring patients to the program. To request a service code, please contact Sherene Pottruff.
- Self-referral by patient or family: visit
- For more Information: Visit
Eating Disorders Resources
- Sheena’s Place provides professionally facilitated group-based support for individuals over 17 years of age. Services are free.
- NEDIC: find a local provider that specializes in Eating Disorders.
- For a complete list of online and print resources for parents, families and patients, refer to Eating Disorders Resources List circulated from the May 2022 Primary Care Town Hall.
Hospice Palliative Care Team
About the Team
Hospice Palliative Care (HPC) Teams for Central LHIN was formed as a joint initiative between Southlake Regional Health Centre, Temmy Latner Centre for Palliative Care, and Central Community Care Access Centre. The program received funding through the Aging At Home Strategy in August 2008. Since then, we have been hard at work developing a model for palliative care in the community, and working to implement this model throughout the Central LHIN. The overall goal of the program is to enhance the delivery of hospice palliative care, and to streamline the journey through the healthcare system for the patient and family.
8 Clinical Nurse Consultants (CNC) and Nursing Manager are working collaboratively with the primary care teams in the community to support the provision of high quality hospice palliative care to patients and their families/caregivers in their homes and Long Term Care Homes. Regular Interprofessional Rounds have been established in each geographic area to provide the opportunity for the care teams to review patient care plans and make revisions, as required, to meet the changing needs of the patient and their caregivers. The CNC’s provide ongoing education to assist the primary nurses to build their capacity in pain and symptom management.
Resources for Primary Care Providers: Visit
Stay in touch with York Region Public Health
Sign up to receive York Region Public Health’s email-based newsletter (Public Health Matters) here. Public Health Matters is in the process of being refreshed and will be used to share important and timely public health updates relevant for a primary care and clinical audience.
Resources for Health Professionals
Visit for information related to a range of public health topics, , including:
- COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccinations
- Monkeypox
- Cannabis
- Child Growth and Development
- Early Years Support Services Registry
- Smoking Cessation
- Substance Use and Harm Reduction
- Tuberculosis
- Vaccinations